Class styles

  • Foundations

    Your introduction to vinyasa yoga, where students build alignment & body awareness through basic flows linked with breath. Recommended for beginners or those wanting a gentler flow.

  • Open Flow

    An all-levels vinyasa flow linked to breath, with space to try stronger poses or focus on your foundations. Recommended for yogis with a regular practice or beginners evolving their practice.

  • Strong Flow

    A class that guides you through more challenging postures while supporting your alignment & breath. Recommended for familiar yogis wanting to take their practice deeper & build strength & intensity.

  • VinYin

    A blend of gentle vinyasa & restorative poses to mindfully link breath with slow movement. Recommended for any student wanting to take things slow & sink deeper into their practice.

  • Ashtanga Open

    A dynamic, holistic class informed by the traditional style of Ashtanga. This class blends prānāyāma (breathwork), sūryanamaskāra (sun salutations), standing & seated postures, and dhyāna (meditation), while supporting students in building a deeper yoga practice.

  • Chill

    A restorative class inspired by the yin yoga style, with supported postures held for several minutes each. A focus on mindful breath & relaxation to help you completely unwind & chill out. The fortnightly Friday Chill class is offered as a $10 class with proceeds donated to charity.